RamblingRoss The blog of Ross Fruen, a .NET consultant Posts tagged with "flatpress" Access to the Flatpress theme used on RamblingRoss Adding nofollow to FlatPress comments Availability of sitemap plugin for FlatPress Changes to DateChanger plugin for FlatPress Changes to sitemap plugin for FlatPress EU Cookie Directive Plugin for FlatPress GoogleSearchBox, JavaScript and write once, test everywhere Migration of profile to the Stacey CMS Migration of the blog RamblingRoss to Stacey reCAPTCHA for FlatPress version 1.1 Reducing priority of Flatpress Comment Center Selecting the correct language in SyntaxHighlighter plugin Supporting version 2 of reCAPTCHA in FlatPress The GoogleSearchBox plugin for FlatPress Using .htaccess to secure FlatPress websites Using Disqus for comments in a flat file blog